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🎉 Industrial Chemical and Agro Fertilizer needs at competitive prices

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Organic Fertilizer

Encourages the slow release and steady supply of nutrients to plants
Increases the size, color and longevity of fruits, vegetables & grains.
Stimulates the synthesis of proteins and carbohydrates in crops
Provides all macro and micro nutrients in the concentration required by plants.
Helps in maintaining the C:N ratio and increases soil fertility
Converts the complex nutrients into simpler forms by enhancing microbial
Organic content improves the water-holding capacity of soil, keeping it moist.


Total organic carbon (min) – 14.0%
Total Nitrogen (min) – 0.5%
Total Phosphates (min) – 0.5%,
Total Potash (min) – 0.5%
NPK Nutrient – Total P2O5 & K2O nutrient not less than 3%
C:N Ratio – < 20
Moisture (max) – 25%

Dosage and application: Soil Application at the time of Field preparation or Basal dose @100-150 Kg./Acre.
Crops: Vegetables, Pulses, Cereals, Cash Crops, Oilseed, Horticulture Crops etc
Packing: 50 Kgs

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