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🎉 Industrial Chemical and Agro Fertilizer needs at competitive prices

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Magic Powder Soil Conditioner

Improves physical, chemical and biological properties of the soil
Promotes soil aggregation, leads to better aeration and water infiltration.
Increases water retention in soil and reduces the frequency of irrigation.
Adjust the soil’s pH level, make it more suitable for specific plants or crops
Reduces soil compaction and reduces soil erosion caused by wind and water.
Calcium is required for structural formation of cell walls and cell membranes.
Magnesium is the central component of chlorophyll that helps in photosynthesis.
Sulphur produces vital compounds such as starch, sugars, oils, fats and vitamins.
Phosphorus supports root development, flowering and fruiting.


Power-Gold/N Diamond/Tej contains following secondary nutrients: Ca: Mg : S: P2O5 (20: 5: 20: 2.0)

Dosage and application: Soil Application at the time of Vegetative growth stage @50 kg./Acre
Crops: Cereals, Cash Crops, Vegetables, Tubers, Pulses, Oilseed Crops, Horticulture Crops etc.
Packing: 50 Kgs

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