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Ammonium Sulphate

Provides a readily available source of nitrogen and sulphur to plants
Nitrogen is useful for the formation of proteins, enzymes and chlorophyll.
Sulphur is necessary for the synthesis of amino acids, vitamins and enzymes
Ammonium sulfate is an acidic fertilizer and its application can correct soil pH.
Support plants during vegetative growth and fruiting growth stage.


Ammoniacal nitrogen: 20.5%
Sulphate sulphur (as S): 23%

Dosage and application: Soil Application at the time of vegetative growth stage/early flowering & fruiting stage @ 50 kg/Acre
Crops Uses: Cereals, Cash Crops, Vegetables, Tubers, Pulses, Oilseed Crops, Ornamental plants, Horticulture Crops etc.
Packing: 50 Kgs

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