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Corporate Governance

At SFC, Corporate governance is the system of rules, practices, and processes by which a company is directed and controlled. It involves balancing the interests of a company's many stakeholders, such as shareholders, management, customers, suppliers, financiers, government, and the community. Effective corporate governance is essential for the long-term success and sustainability of a business.

Board of Directors

Our Board of Directors consists of experienced professionals with diverse backgrounds and expertise in various fields, including agriculture, finance, operations, and strategic management.

Code of conduct and Ethics

Our Code of Conduct and Ethics sets standard for ethical behaviour in our company. It outlines principles and guidelines that all employees and partners are expected to adhere to.

Transparency and Disclosure

Transparency and disclosure are key values in our company. We believe in open and honest communication with our stakeholders, including clients, employees, investors, and the public.

Risk Management

We have implemented a robust risk management framework to identify, assess, and mitigate risks that may impact the achievement of our strategic objectives.


Audit Committee

Our Audit Committee plays a crucial role in upholding the highest standards of financial integrity and accountability within our organization. Composed of independent experts, the committee oversees the audit process, ensuring compliance with regulatory requirements and internal controls.

They work closely with external auditors to review financial statements, assess risk management practices, and evaluate the effectiveness of internal controls. The committee also monitors the implementation of audit recommendations and provides guidance on financial reporting matters.

Their objective and independent perspective provide valuable assurance to our stakeholders, enhancing trust and confidence in our financial practices. With their expertise and diligent oversight, the audit committee strengthens our commitment to transparency, ethical conduct, and sound financial governance.

Nomination and Remuneration Committee

Our Nomination and Remuneration Committee plays a vital role in ensuring a fair and transparent process for selecting qualified individuals for key positions within our organization.

Composed of experienced professionals, the committee establishes criteria and processes for identifying suitable candidates, assessing their skills, experience, and qualifications.

They also oversee the remuneration policies and practices, ensuring they align with industry standards, corporate governance guidelines, and organizational goals.

CSR Committee

Our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) Committee is dedicated to driving positive social impact and sustainable development initiatives.

Composed of passionate individuals from diverse backgrounds, the committee identifies and evaluates areas where our organization can make a meaningful difference.

The committee ensures effective utilization of resources and monitors the progress of CSR projects, measuring their impact and making necessary adjustments. By actively engaging in CSR activities, we aim to contribute to the well-being of communities, promote environmental sustainability, and foster a culture of social responsibility.

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